Sunday, October 31, 2010

A long time coming

I decided to finally get with the system. Yes, you heard me. Five years. That's how long I resisted creating a blog. "Why is that?" you ask. Fabulous question.

I have always been afflicted by procrastination. So much so that I struggle to recall a period in my life when a venture of mine has not been plagued by it in some form or the other. This blog was originally conceived in the summer of '10. It is the day of Halloween as I type this, my first post. Why did it take me so long to post? The short answer - I don't know. I just didn't. However, I do promise you, dear reader, that such a travesty will cease to occur in the future. You have got my word. Whatever that is worth.

The time just seemed ripe. The world seems to be changing. Let me explain.

Two of my all time favorite sports teams are experiencing fortunes they haven't seen in a long time. The Indian cricket team is now the number one team in the world. I never imagined the day would come when I would be able to utter those words without being lambasted for shameless homerism. Alas, the second team of my heart - the Texas Longhorns, just months removed from a National Championship appearance are now languishing at the bottom half of the Big 12. Gone are the days when Team India would let me down and I would look to the Longhorns for redemption.

That's not all though. I also celebrated Halloween for only the second time in my life, despite this being the fifth Halloween I spent in North America. The reason this is significant is because it is not. I just wanted to give you more than one reason why I decided to make this post. For those of you that are interested, however, my "costume" consisted of a white shirt, pants and a cape. I was a vampire, albeit without the fangs. A friendly vampire. The actual rationale behind me even attempting to dress up is that a friend of mine convinced me that the spirit of Halloween warranted at least a semblance of a costume. I also figured that I didn't want to spend another Halloween indoors. If you figured it out already - yes, I hate Halloween. I think it's the most pointless festival in existence. But that's a story for another day.

At any rate, you have now reached the end of this post. I suppose it is not the end since you are still reading. But I promise you it is almost over. I will be back, soon. There's this book I am working on. I have dubbed it 'Escape'. Updates will follow, soon. Watch this space.

- Jose


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