Friday, November 12, 2010

A brown kid's fascination with 'American' football

My friends from back home have been constantly vexed about my love for American Football. I often find myself having to patiently explain the intricacies of the sport, hoping that the details would not be lost on the few that cared to listen. Yet, how could I possibly blame them.

The very first time I caught a glimpse of this much maligned sport, I couldn't suppress my laughter. How inane would you have to be to run around in bizarre ogre-like costumes, jumping into a pile of men for three hours straight? My very first roommate (some would know him as Pingu) and I would actually watch football games with the sole purpose of snickering at this clown fest. This couldn't possibly be sport. Or could it?

As the months passed, the hilarity turned to mild amusement, to intrigue, to genuine interest. Then the 2008 season happened. I watched every game. Every. single. game. And if you were on the fence about whether you loved this sport, THAT season would have converted you into a fanatic. If you were a Longhorn, that is.

Contrary to popular belief, being a fan of American football does not automatically mean you're a fan of the NFL. As far as I am concerned, the NFL will never be anywhere near as exciting as college football. The only reason I even tune into the NFL is to follow the careers of former 'Horns.

At any rate, the purpose of this post (if it does indeed go on to have a purpose - I haven't quite decided yet) is not to edify you on the rules of the game, but to merely open your eyes to the possibility of watching an American football game if you have never done so.
As much as I love the REAL football (that's soccer to you Americans), the shenanigans on hand at the World Cup and even the Champions League before it was truly distasteful for the sport lover. The playacting has reached ludicrous levels and is an eyesore.

Besides, for those of you insecure in your manhood, how could your machismo ever be in question when you are able to carry a ball into the end zone knocking over 250-300 lb grown men, leaving them in your wake.

I do need to reiterate, however, that I am not trying to take a swipe at soccer. I still follow the Premiership and the Champions League. And indeed, cricket will always remain very close to my heart. Yet, I feel compelled to share the emotion that swells up within me when I watch my university take on the best football teams from around the country. And watching games at Darrell K. Royal Texas Memorial Stadium, the Cotton Bowl and the National Championship Game at the Rose Bowl are easily some of my most cherished memories ever. This sport really is something.


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